In the United States, over 14 million children, roughly 5% of the population, suffer from Pediatric Neurological Conditions (PNCs). Researchers from the Pediatric Brain Foundation, in an attempt to shed more light on this important issue and catalogue some information regarding awareness of PNCs, disseminated a survey to the Central New Jersey area, known as the NeuroSurvey. The follow-up analysis on the results of the aforementioned survey are contained within this report. The NeuroSurvey specifically focuses on responses from individuals of high-school and college age, and then further analyzes these results to evaluate awareness and propensity for PNC advocacy through a multitude of areas including, but not limited to, knowledge of conditions, media representation, and political advocacy. Although most respondents were more likely to take up advocacy after being exposed to someone with a PNC and nearly 68% believe that more representation is necessary in the media, most respondents (90%) were not familiar with the vast majority (24 of 30) PNCs, exposing large gaps in the scope of awareness. In general, individuals are willing to learn more and in turn, advocate, but lack simple and convenient methods for increasing the knowledge needed to advocate.